Scott Keller

Tips and ratios for brewing coffee (Drip, pour over, French press)

Despite being one of the most popular drinks in the world, there is still a lot of debate on the best way to brew coffee and the correct coffee grounds-to-water ratio.

Honestly, there will never be one "correct" answer, as opinions vary as much as taste buds.

With that being said, my goal below is to give you my brewing recommendations for the three most popular types of brew methods - drip, french press, and pour over.

Over the years, I have figured out the strength and ratio my wife and I like best. You may prefer your coffee stronger or weaker, so feel free to alter the ratios below as needed. :)

Before we begin, I am assuming you have already ground your beans or bought them ground.

Also, when referring to a cup of coffee, the standard serving is 6 ounces. Whereas a cup, in the standard measurement, is 8 ounces.

Brew Method #1: Drip Coffee Machine

  • Ratio: 1 tablespoon of ground coffee for every cup (6 oz) of water
  • Use a medium grind

Hands down, the most popular way to make coffee is with a drip machine. These are the $15 coffee makers that most people have in their kitchens.

Just put the coffee in at the top (over a coffee filter) and add water. Push the brew button. Soon enough, you will have fresh coffee. While the coffee is brewing you can do any number of other things; get ready for the day, do laundry, get the kid's lunches ready, or is this just our family? :)

Have you ever noticed the numbers on the side of a coffee pot? These actually have a purpose and typically show the number of 6 oz cups.

For example, our pot goes up to the number 14, which means a whole pot of coffee is 14 cups. To brew to our preferred strength, I have to add 14 tablespoons of ground coffee.

I want to mention that a lot of other coffee companies recommend using 2 tablespoons of coffee for every 6 ounces of water. Personally, I think this makes the coffee incredibly strong and it's not pleasant for me to drink. But, you may love coffee at this strength and that is great! One of the best parts of making coffee is getting to make it just how you like it best. 

There are also many variations between drip coffee machines, which affect the strength and flavor of your coffee. The best recommendation I can give you is to experiment with different ratios to find out what you enjoy best. 

While drip coffee machines are incredibly convenient and easy to use, they are definitely not the choice of coffee aficionados, who claim the water doesn't get hot enough to taste the full spectrum of flavors (among other reasons). 

Brew Method #2: French Press

  • Ratio: 2 tablespoons of ground coffee for every cup (6 oz) of water.
  • Make sure you use a coarse grind.

A French press is a manual coffee brewing device that is simple, efficient, and widely loved for producing rich, full-bodied coffee. Also known as a press pot or plunger pot, it consists of four key components: a cylindrical glass or stainless steel carafe, a metal or plastic lid, a plunger, and a mesh filter.

To brew coffee with a French press, coarsely ground coffee is combined with hot water (usually around 195–205°F or 90–96°C) directly in the carafe.

After stirring to ensure saturation, the coffee steeps for 4–5 minutes, allowing the grounds to fully extract. Once the steeping process is complete, the plunger is gently pressed down to separate the grounds from the liquid. The mesh filter traps the grounds while allowing the natural oils and fine particles to pass through, resulting in a robust, flavorful brew.

The French press is prized for its versatility, as it allows users to control the brewing variables such as steeping time and coffee-to-water ratio. It can also be used to make cold brew coffee or even tea. Unlike drip machines, no paper filter is required, which helps retain more of the coffee’s oils and natural flavors.

While the French press is easy to use, it does have some drawbacks, such as potential sediment in the cup and the need for immediate cleanup to prevent bitterness. Despite this, it remains a popular choice for coffee enthusiasts seeking a hands-on approach and a richer, more textured cup of coffee.

Brew Method #3: Pour over

  • Ratio: 2 tablespoons of coffee for every cup (8 oz) of water.
  • Use a medium grind.

Pour over coffee is a manual brewing method celebrated for its ability to deliver a clean, flavorful cup with enhanced control over the brewing process. This method involves pouring hot water over coffee grounds in a conical or flat-bottomed filter, allowing gravity to draw the water through the coffee and into a carafe or mug below.

The pour-over setup typically includes a dripper (like the Hario V60, Kalita Wave, or Chemex), a paper or metal filter, and a kettle with a gooseneck spout for precise pouring.

The process begins by adding medium-coarse coffee grounds to the filter, followed by a slow, steady pour of hot water just below boiling (200°F or 90–96°C). The water is added in stages, often starting with a "bloom," where a small amount of water is poured to release trapped carbon dioxide, enhancing flavor extraction. After blooming, the remaining water is added in controlled circular or spiral motions to ensure even saturation.

The total brewing time usually ranges from 2.5 to 4 minutes, depending on grind size and pour speed.

The pour-over method offers unparalleled control over key brewing variables, such as water flow, temperature, and extraction time, making it a favorite among coffee enthusiasts. The result is a bright, nuanced cup with distinct flavor clarity, as the paper filter removes oils and fine particles that can muddy the taste.

While pour-over coffee requires more time and effort compared to automated brewing methods, its ability to highlight the unique characteristics of high-quality coffee beans makes it a rewarding experience for those who appreciate craftsmanship in their cup.

Please experiment with different ratios!

I can't stress this point enough. There are an incredible amount of variables when it comes to brewing coffee. Factors such as the type of coffee, coarseness of the grind, water temperature, water quality, cleanliness of your brewing materials, etc, all come into play.

The ratios above are just starting points. I’ve found they work well for our personal tastes and preferences, but they might not be the perfect fit for you. Good luck!