Scott Keller

Why we chose the Harpy Eagle as our logo!

Have you ever taken a close look at our logo and wondered what animal it is?

Most people guess it's an eagle, but what type? 

Your first clue should be those incredible-looking feathers that adorn the head. The Bald Eagle in North America certainly doesn't have those!

Let me introduce you to the Harpy Eagle!

The Harpy Eagle (Harpia harpyja) is one of the largest and most powerful raptors in the world, epitomizing strength, speed, and agility. Native to the tropical rainforests of Central and South America, this apex predator has evolved into a formidable force in its ecosystem, with physical adaptations that make it a master of its domain.

As you can see, Harpy Eagles feature a double crest of feathers on their head, giving them a unique and badass look!

But, unfortunately, the population of Harpy Eagles has greatly declined over the years.

In fact, they are nearly extinct in Central America!

And the cause?

Sadly, it's loss of habitat.

You see, Harpy Eagles thrive in the upper canopy of rainforests. They need the emergent layer, where the tallest trees rise above the main canopy, to scout for prey and build their nests. These magnificent raptors rarely come to the ground.

Unfortunately, the rainforest continues to be cut down. And one of the biggest culprits is the coffee industry.

It's a sad reality that most coffee plantations in the tropics look like this:

As you can see, the rainforest is clear-cut to make way for as many coffee plants as possible. These sun-grown coffee plantations support little wildlife. It's hard to imagine a Harpy Eagle soaring around a farm like this!

Luckily, growing coffee in the sun is not the ONLY way.

In fact, coffee plants actually grow the best under the shade of larger trees. The shade allows the coffee bean to mature naturally, which also provides a better-tasting cup of coffee. 

At Beautiful Beast Coffee Company, we are dedicated to selling coffee that comes from shade-grown coffee farms.

These farms work in harmony with nature, preserving vital rainforest habitat.

By not cutting down the larger trees, many more animals are able to survive, including the Harpy Eagle. Take a look below at an example of a shade-grown coffee farm:

In some cultures, the Harpy Eagle is a symbol of untamed wilderness and the delicate balance of the ecosystems it rules. 

Our mission is to help protect rainforest habitats from the detrimental effects of sun-grown coffee plantations. We want to make people aware of the benefits of drinking coffee grown in harmony with nature.

In our opinion, there is no better example of a beautiful beast than a Harpy Eagle.

So remember:

Drink coffee. Save our beautiful beasts. :)